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arithmetic error中文是什么意思

用"arithmetic error"造句"arithmetic error"怎么读"arithmetic error" in a sentence


  • 算术误差
  • 运算误差


  • Results in an arithmetic error , the
  • An acceptable amount for arithmetic error
  • If you are only interested in capturing a general arithmetic error
  • Such a failure may take place when the computed column results in arithmetic error
  • Because wib is in frame 0 that s the function the program was executing inside when the arithmetic error occurred
    由于wib ( )在0号帧中,那么它就是执行程序时发生算术错误的函数。
  • When an update statement encounters an arithmetic error overflow , divide by zero , or a domain error during expression evaluation , the update is not performed
  • When a delete statement encounters an arithmetic error overflow , divide by zero , or a domain error occurring during expression evaluation , the database engine handles these errors as if set arithabort is set on
    当delete语句遇到在表达式计算过程中发生的算术错误(溢出、被零除或域错误)时,数据库引擎将处理这些错误,就好象set arithabort设置为on 。
  • When an insert statement encounters an arithmetic error overflow , divide by zero , or a domain error occurring during expression evaluation , the database engine handles these errors as if set arithabort is set to on
    如果在表达式计算过程中insert语句遇到算术错误(溢出、被零除或域错误) ,则数据库引擎会处理这些错误,就好像set arithabort设置为on一样。
  • During expression evaluation when set arithabort is off , if an insert , delete or update statement encounters an arithmetic error , overflow , divide - by - zero , or a domain error , sql server inserts or updates a null value
    如果set arithabort为off ,并且在对表达式求值的过程中insert 、 delete或update语句遇到算术错误(溢出、被零除或域错误) , sql server将插入或更新一个null值。
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